How to Be a Wise Woman in God’s Eyes
The Wise Woman
Earlier this year we did a series by Erin Thiele called, “A Wise Woman Builds Her House by a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand.” Today I’m listing all the chapter topics for that series (including one I did) with their various links. I wanted to do this so you could pick and choose anything that you needed for your life situation. I also have more readers now. Some who came in after our series was finished. This will help all of you see what is available for you in one place. At the bottom is a list of many of the resources in the various chapters.
Series Topics:
A Wise Woman Build Her House On the Rock
A Wise Woman has a Gentle and Quiet Spirit
A Wise Woman has Kindness Is on Her Tongue
A Wise Woman is Chaste and Respectful
A Wise Woman is Subject to Her Husband
A Wise Woman is a Helper Suitable
A Wise Woman Still Has Trials and Temptations
The Fruit of the Wise Woman’s Womb
The Ministry of Reconciliation
The Ways of a Wise Woman’s Household
the Wise Woman Teaches Her Children
The Wise Woman Encourages Younger Women
Writings and Interpretation
As with any book, the writings and interpretation of Scripture is from that person’s point of view. Some of the Scriptures she quoted and explained were totally against what I was taught in church – even in private discussions with my conservative pastors. Therefore, I went back to the original language many times in forming my opinions. I had to seek God on many occasions on how to apply the Scriptures to my life and my situation. The Scriptures don’t change, they are for all of us. How to apply them may be different for you and for me. I suggest that you ask God to direct you for your situation. God said He knew us before we were even born and formed us in the womb. He also said that He has a plan and a purpose for each of us. So, while I hope that you will ask questions and make comments, please don’t attack anyone, including the author for their opinions. We are each solely responsible before God for our actions. All we can do is present what God has said and pray if someone is off track and unwilling to follow the Word.
In Conclusion
God bless all of you. I pray the Holy Spirit will work in each of our hearts to be the best ambassadors of Christ, the best women, the best wives, the best mothers that we can be.
Series Resources:
First Kill All The Marriage Counselors by Laura Doyle. While not a Christian focus, this book taught me a lot about how to talk to men. They communicate differently than we do and if we don’t speak in a way they need, they will not listen or call us nags. Also, learning to communicate correctly with them will cause their God-instilled desire to meet our needs and desires and protect us to rise up. I wish I had read this a LONG time ago!! I learned that I often talked to my husband in a way that was “mothering” in his eyes. I remember him saying that to me once. We had a discussion about chores and that I was to create a chore chart for all the household chores and post it. He told me what he wanted to do. I included that on the list. He went through the ceiling. From then on he looked at those tasks as chores from the woman who now decided to be his mother, not his wife. Huh? But that’s how a man thinks. In this series, we learned that wise women are to fit themselves to our husbands, not the other way around. Highly Recommended!
Workers@Home: Making the Most of Your Time by Erin Thiele. This book will help you to run your home effectively and efficiently. “This book has totally changed my life.” D.T. “This book is the best book I have ever read bar none!” K.D.
HomeSchooling by Conviction! Workbook by Erin Thiele. “This taught me not only about homeschooling, but about being a better wife and mother. My home is now a happy home!” “What I liked best was the great and practical information, but the very best was Erin’s total focus on the Lord.” This is available through Restore Ministries.
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage by Restore Ministries International for the marriage that has crumbled or that looks a little shaky. This one book has restored more marriages and given hope when it was desperately needed in a “seemingly” hopeless situation. “ALL the things in this book are true. My spouse has not only returned home, but our marriage is better than when we first met.” M.H.
Me? Obey Him? by Elizabeth Handford uses God’s Word to present the reasons for a wife’s submission to her husband. She shares all the blessings, joys and privileges that living a life according to God’s plan will bring. A book every woman must read! The older edition is better. Her revised edition squirms on women who are abused. ISBN 0-87398-552-4
The Way Home by Mary Pride answers the questions: “Is a career always more fulfilling than motherhood?” “Can woman realize her full potential only by leaving home and getting a job?” She discusses why many Christian wives and mothers have finally turned their backs on “planned barrenhood,” the “me” marriage, “no-fault” childrearing, careerism and a host of other non- biblical, unchristian alternatives. ISBN 0-89107345-0
Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. This book is full of Scriptures and is an awesome and powerful testimony to the Word of God and His promises. Jackie was told as a young girl that she would never be able to have a baby, but when she met her husband who knew the promises of God, their awesome testimony began. Not only did they discover how to conceive and carry a baby to term, together they discovered the secret of having a totally PAIN FREE labor and delivery!
Who Will Rock the Cradle? by Phyllis Schlafly. Each chapter is written by a different expert in the area of childcare, from pediatricians to the actual owners of a multitude of day care institutions. Surprisingly, all agree that the phenomenon of day care is destroying our children and our society. The book, I found out, is currently out of print. However, large book distributors can still get them.
How to Save Your Marriage Alone This book by Dr. Ed Wheat helped me when my husband was gone and gave me my first glimmer of hope. ISBN 0-310-42522-0
Streams in the Desert Mrs. Charles Cowman wrote her thoughts, quotations and spiritual inspirations which helped to sustain her during her difficult years as a missionary and particularly the six years she nursed her husband while he was dying. This has been a devotional classic for more than seventy years! A must if you are living in the midst of trials! I lived in this book for more than 2 years! ISBN 0-310-22420-9
Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurburt. This is available in most Christian bookstores. It is a story about the character “Much-Afraid” and her journey to perfect peace. Her struggles and fears will make you cry and her triumphs will inspire you to continue your difficult walk. I have read this many times alone and to my children. ISBN 8423-1433-4
Come Away My Beloved The poems and short stories are written as though God was speaking to you Himself. This is a wonderful book for meditation and comforting thoughts. ISBN 0-932814-02-6
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. This is a wonderful daily devotional as well as a place to journal your growth in the Lord. ISBN 1-57748-737-5
Dr. Pohl and Dr. Rawson in Houston, Texas who specializes in microsurgical vasectomy reversals and tubal ligation reversals. Contact Dr. Pohl’s at 1.713.Reverse or Contact Dr. Rawson at 1.281.363.4445 or Order Line: 1-800-397-0800 Office: 1-888-721-5253
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