I probably should have posted this last weekend. Today I’m prepping to bake a turkey. Before I do any baking, I make sure that my oven is clean—especially when baking something for a really long...
I probably should have posted this last weekend. Today I’m prepping to bake a turkey. Before I do any baking, I make sure that my oven is clean—especially when baking something for a really long...
A great homemaker is a prepared homemaker. During this uncertain time being prepared will help us feel less stressed. Today it’s our pets.
Staying at home due to the Coronavirus? I’m starting a series of things you can do at home.
Why is hand-washing so important to good health? What constitutes good hand-washing practices? Is there something more I should do? Let’s look.
I had a heard time moving from my Roledex to electronic address lists. Why? Let’s find out.
January is a great time to deep clean and put your house in order. Let’s explore why you’d use and the proper use of steam cleaners, both floor & portable. Steam doesn’t necessarily clean, but it is still a VERY useful tool. Let’s dig in…
Paper or Electronic? I know the younger generation might do everything electronically, but I still love paper. I might look up recipes on the Internet, but I still end up printing them. Often, I don’t...
Yesterday I posted a recipe for a Delicious Holiday Dip. That recipe only called for 1/4 cup of pumpkin puree (solid pack canned pumpkin). What do you do with the rest of the can? Well…what I...
Who/What is Equifax? Equifax is one of the three major credit reporting agencies. It houses all your financial records. These records are used when you request a loan, try to open a credit card or...
The Wise Woman Earlier this year we did a series by Erin Thiele called, “A Wise Woman Builds Her House by a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand.” Today I’m listing all the...