Do You Garden?
If you are planting a garden, most often you need seeds. While some seeds are better today due to hybridization, many, many heirloom plants are superior. Heirloom varieties offer not only superior taste, but their seeds can be saved and replanted year after year. The Industrious Homemaker™ of yesteryear saved her seeds. Not only were they her seeds for the following year, but they were a commodity, a medium of exchange. Enter the seed exchange.
Seed Exchange
The last Saturday of January is Seed Swap Saturday. People all over plan seed swaps. If you’ve ever saved seeds from a plant you know that one flower head, one tomato, one cucumber, etc. will give you many, many seeds. You may only need a few and have many leftover. The seed exchange helps people give away their leftover seeds and swap for ones they need or want to try.
When You Can’t Find an Exchange
I live in a major city yet I cannot find a seed swap for National Seed Swap Day. The seed swap for my neighborhood isn’t until May. Since our
Online Swaps
I know of a group online that has a seed swap. It’s one of Debbie’s “Back Porches” on Facebook. It’s called Seeds, Seeds, Seeds on Debbie’s Back Porch. For gardening information, Debbie’s main group is where you want to go. It’s called, Debbie’s Back Porch. Debbie has other porches. You’ll see them once you visit her main porch.
More Information
For more information on seed saving, check out the Seed Swap Day website.
Happy swapping!!
#NationalSeedSwapDay #Seeds #Seedswap #gardening #seedexchange #heirloomseeds