A Short History of Peanut Butter
Today is National Peanut Butter Day. When I think of peanut butter, I always think of George Washington Carver. While he didn’t created peanut butter, he taught the farmers to rotate their crops. There was an overabundance of peanuts which, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention.
Before we get to the modern history of peanut butter, let’s talk about who ate it first. That was the Aztecs and the Incas. They ate peanut butter back as far as 1,000 B.C. Later in America, peanuts were not eaten by humans. They were used as feed. Until…
Enter Marcellus Gilmore Edson in Canada who patented a machine for making peanut butter from roasted peanuts. To give it a good consistency, he added sugar.
In the U.S., George Bayle of St. Louis produced and sold a peanut butter paste snack food.
John Harvey Kellogg – yes, of Kellogg’s cereal – got a patent for a peanut paste from boiled peanuts. They were used in his Health clinics. The Patent was for a health food.
Joseph Lambert and Dr. Ambrose Straub, who worked for Kellogg, created a peanut butter making machine.
Joseph Rosefield, a chemist, develops the first peanut butter that didn’t separate by adding hydrogentated oil.
Joseph Rosefield licenses his process to the company who made Peter Pan peanut butter.
Joseph Rosefield starts making his own brand of peanut butter, “Skippy.” He further developed both a smoother peanut butter and also created the first “chunky” style by adding back chipped peanuts.
Proctor and Gamble
Health Benefits and Issues
Today we know, as did John Harvey Kellogg, that peanuts are high in protein, vitamins
Another known issue with peanuts and peanut butter is the peanut allergy. Many people are allergic to peanuts.
And then there’s the mold/fungus. Dr Weil states that Aflatoxin is a carcinogen produced by certain strains of the mold Aspergillus flavus an A. parasiticus that grow on peanuts stored in warm, humid silos. Dry Roasted peanuts are free of this mold.
So the healthiest peanut butter is??
The healthiest peanut butter would be raw peanuts that have been soaked overnight, roasted, then ground into peanut butter. You probably won’t find this in a store, but you can find a recipe on Whole Natural Life’s Website.
What is your favorite way to eat peanut butter?
Some people love peanut butter any way they can have it. Others like it on toast, maybe a peanut butter cookie, but that’s about it. What is your favorite way to eat it? Do you have any favorite recipes?
Enjoy some peanut butter today. Make some with your kids. Or make some peanut butter cookies.
#Nationalpeanutbutterday #peanutbutter